Sunday 14 August 2016

Gossamer-Winged Butterflies !

'Gossamer-Winged Butterflies', there's a term I was unfamiliar with, we are talking small to medium Butterflies of the Lycaenidae family, there are many species in this family, but in this country I think we are just talking about coppers, blues and hairstreaks. not the easiest to find in my limited experience, about Sixteen resident species in all, only another ten to find

They are described as agile and delicate, the males often have brightly coloured upper surfaces to their wings, with the underwings either spotted or streaked, sometimes with trailing filaments on there wings.

I have caught up with a few of these namely Holly Blue, Common Blue, Brown Argos, Duke of Burgundy, Small Copper and just recently the Purple Hairstreak.

Here's a few seen recently.

 I have mentioned in my other local patch blog about the absence of the Common Blue's, so I was really pleased with this fine looking male, only the second seen this year, which landed in front of me on some low vegetation, in pristine condition.

Common Blue

As I was watching the Common Blue another small  Butterfly disturbed the tranquility, both spirally up into the air, the Common Blue moved on, in its place this gorgeous looking Small Copper, living up to its reputation as being a bit feisty, each time the Common Blue came too close it would launch itself into a spiralling sortie, only to return to its chosen thistle each time.

Small Copper

And to finish of the collection a very brief view of a Holly Blue, which couldn't make up its mind whether to open its wings or not, choosing the latter in the end.

Holly Blue.
I have seen no Brown Argos this year, so here's the one seen on my local patch last year in August so there still might be time to see this again this year.

The Duke Of Burgundy seen earlier this year at Denge Woods in Kent.

Duke of Burgundy
And more recently a Purple Hairstreak at Lullingstone, Kent.

Certainly are exquisite little Butterflies, sometimes going unnoticed,  always worth a second look .

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